Source code for pathgather.gatherings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to Anthony Shaw ( under one or more
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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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from .utils import scrub
from .models.user import User
from .models.skill import Skill
from .models.gathering import (
from .models.content import Content
from .models.path import Path

[docs]class GatheringsClient(object): """ Gatherings API. """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def all(self, from_page=None): """ Get all gatherings (will page results out) :param from_page: Start at page :type from_page: ``int`` :return: A list of users :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.Gathering` """ params = {} if from_page is not None: params["from"] = from_page users = self.client.get_paged("gatherings", params=params) results = [] for page in users: results.extend([self._to_gathering(i) for i in page["results"]]) return results
[docs] def get(self, id): """ Fetch a gathering by ID. :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :return: An instance :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.Gathering` :rtype: :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.Gathering` """ user = self.client.get("gatherings/{0}".format(id)) return self._to_gathering(user)
[docs] def create( self, name, custom_id=None, description=None, closed=True, image=None, skills=None, ): """ Create a gathering. :param name: Name/title of the gathering :type name: ``str`` :param custom_id: Optional, but highly recommended if creating content via the API :type custom_id: ``str`` :param description: A description of the content to display to users when viewing it. Optional, but highly recommended :type description: ``str`` :param image: The URL to an image to display to users when viewing the content :type image: ``str`` :param closed: A flag representing whether this gathering is discoverable in your Pathgather catalog. If false, it will not show up in normal searches. :type closed: ``bool`` :param skills: An array of skills to associate to the content. Skills differ from tags, as they are displayed to the user and communicate the specific skill(s) the content will address. :type skills: ``list`` of ``str`` :return: A gathering :rtype: :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.Gathering` """ params = {"name": name, "closed": closed} if custom_id: params["custom_id"] = custom_id if description: params["description"] = description if image: params["image"] = image if skills: params["skills"] = skills content ="gatherings", {"gathering": params}) return self._to_gathering(content)
[docs] def update( self, id, name, custom_id=None, description=None, closed=True, image=None, skills=None, ): """ Update a gathering. :param id: The gathering ID :type id: ``str`` :param name: Name/title of the gathering :type name: ``str`` :param custom_id: Optional, but highly recommended if creating content via the API :type custom_id: ``str`` :param description: A description of the content to display to users when viewing it. Optional, but highly recommended :type description: ``str`` :param image: The URL to an image to display to users when viewing the content :type image: ``str`` :param closed: A flag representing whether this gathering is discoverable in your Pathgather catalog. If false, it will not show up in normal searches. :type closed: ``bool`` :param skills: An array of skills to associate to the content. Skills differ from tags, as they are displayed to the user and communicate the specific skill(s) the content will address. :type skills: ``list`` of ``str`` :return: A gathering :rtype: :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.Gathering` """ params = {} if name: params["name"] = name if closed: params["closed"] = closed if custom_id: params["custom_id"] = custom_id if description: params["description"] = description if image: params["image"] = image if skills: params["skills"] = skills content = self.client.put("gatherings/{0}".format(id), {"gathering": params}) return self._to_gathering(content)
[docs] def users(self, id, from_page=None): """ Fetch a gathering's membership by ID. :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :return: An list of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.UserGathering` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.UserGathering` """ params = {} if from_page is not None: params["from"] = from_page users = self.client.get_paged("gatherings/{0}/users".format(id), params=params) results = [] for page in users: results.extend([self._to_user_gathering(i) for i in page["results"]]) return results
[docs] def invite_user(self, id, user_id): """ Invite a user to a gathering :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :param user_id: The user id :type user_id: ``str`` :return: An instance :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.UserGathering` :rtype: :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.UserGathering` """ params = {"gathering_invite": {"invitee_id": user_id}} data ="gatherings/{0}/gathering_invites".format(id), params) scrub(data) if "inviter" in data: data["inviter"] = User(**data["inviter"]) if "invitee" in data: data["invitee"] = User(**data["invitee"]) return GatheringInvite(**data)
[docs] def remove_user(self, id, user_id): """ Remove a user from a gathering :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :param user_id: The user id :type user_id: ``str`` """ self.client.delete("gatherings/{0}/users/{1}".format(id, user_id))
[docs] def content(self, id, from_page=None): """ Fetch a gathering's content by ID. :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :return: An list of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.GatheringUser` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.GatheringUser` """ params = {} if from_page is not None: params["from"] = from_page content = self.client.get_paged( "gatherings/{0}/contents".format(id), params=params ) results = [] for page in content: results.extend([self._to_content_gathering(i) for i in page["results"]]) return results
[docs] def add_content(self, id, content_id): """ Add a piece of content to a gathering :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :param content_id: The content id :type content_id: ``str`` :return: A dict :rtype: ``dict`` """ params = { "content": { "id": content_id } } content ="gatherings/{0}/contents".format(id), params) return content
[docs] def remove_content(self, id, content_id): """ Remove content from a gathering :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :param content_id: The content id :type content_id: ``str`` """ self.client.delete("gatherings/{0}/contents/{1}".format(id, content_id))
[docs] def paths(self, id, from_page=None): """ Fetch a gathering's paths by ID. :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :return: An list of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.GatheringPath` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`pathgather.models.gathering.GatheringPath` """ params = {} if from_page is not None: params["from"] = from_page content = self.client.get_paged( "gatherings/{0}/paths".format(id), params=params ) results = [] for page in content: results.extend([self._to_path_gathering(i) for i in page["results"]]) return results
[docs] def remove_path(self, id, path_id): """ Remove path from a gathering :param id: The gathering id :type id: ``str`` :param path_id: The path id :type path_id: ``str`` """ self.client.delete("gatherings/{0}/paths/{1}".format(id, path_id))
[docs] def delete(self, id): """ Delete a gathering by ID. :param id: The gathering ID :type id: ``str`` """ self.client.delete("gatherings/{0}".format(id))
def _to_gathering(self, data): scrub(data) if "user" in data: data["user"] = User(**data["user"]) if "skills" in data: _skills = [] for skill in data["skills"]: _skills.append(Skill(**skill)) data["skills"] = _skills return Gathering(**data) def _to_user_gathering(self, data): scrub(data) if "user" in data: data["user"] = User(**data["user"]) if "gathering" in data: data["gathering"] = Gathering(**data["gathering"]) return GatheringUser(**data) def _to_content_gathering(self, data): scrub(data) if "course" in data: data["course"] = Content(**data["course"]) if "user" in data: data["user"] = User(**data["user"]) if data["course"].sharer is not None: data["course"].sharer = User(**data["course"].sharer) return GatheringContent(**data) def _to_path_gathering(self, data): scrub(data) if "path" in data: data["path"] = Path(**data["path"]) if "user" in data: data["user"] = User(**data["user"]) return GatheringPath(**data)